![]() What do you want to conquer? Eating healthier? Exercising more? Overcoming an addiction? Finishing your education? Being a better parent? Being a better communicator? Spending more time with your family? Laughing more than you complain? Having healthy relationships? Drinking more water? Raising your self-esteem? What do you want your legacy to be? You might relate to one, some, or all of these. You might even have more you'd add to the list. The reason we started one, is we are launching a journey at Concord Pharmacy that we'd love you to join us on. We all have areas of life we want to conquer. We want to get better at some things, stop doing others, and make a positive impact on the world around us. So if you are game, make sure you stay connected to us on facebook and here on our blog. We aren't totally sure how this will all play out...but the goal is to be the encouragement we all need. We'll be here for you, and all of us for one another. As we all make progress, here is how we can all think about it. "I'm CONCORDing it!"... (with my friends @ Concord Pharmacy.) A reminder that we are here for you, as you make your progress. And also a reminder that it is way more fun to do something like this on a team. Together. In relationship. Being part of a community. And for the moments when you've overcome something? A milestone moment in your life? "I CONCORD IT!"...@ Concord Pharmacy. So what do you think? Are you in? Stay tuned...the fun is just beginning!!!
Read this description and tell us your mouth isn't watering!Corn with chile lime butter!
Top corn with a butter, garlic, lime juice, cilantro, chile paste and cumin mixture then grill until lightly charred. Now click HERE to read 54 more just like it. P.S. You're welcome. :) "Each dollar spent on fruit at a supermarket yields approximately 18 cents for the grower and 82 cents to various middlemen, few of whom live in the local community."
"Picking fruit from an orchard gives you its maximum amount of nutrients." "Picking fruit from a local orchard benefits the environment by reducing the resources needed to obtain the food." Read the full article by clicking HERE. "Holidays are for celebrating and are meant to be enjoyed,
but you don’t have to sacrifice your health or beach body every time you attend a BBQ. These 6 BBQ survival tips can save you hundreds of calories you won’t even miss, and keep your health and fitness goals on track." READ THE FULL ARTICLE BELOW: http://summertomato.com/6-healthy-eating-tips-for-your-4th-of-july-bbq/ We loved this poster SO much when we saw it,
we had to share it with you tonight! After you read it…read it again. And then one more time. So much wisdom in just a few short phrases. We tried to pick a favorite phrase, and kept saying…"all of them!" If you twisted our arm we'd probably say… "laughter is the best dinner music." We hope your dinner had the volume turned up to 10 tonight! If it were only this easy!
Make this your first stop if you are filling your fridge and freezer today. Our local famers work VERY hard to produce some of the freshest, most mouth watering produce, meat, maple syrup, honey, cheese, eggs, spices, rubs, etc…
Sometimes the most empowering perspective is realizing it's time to stop making excuses and start embracing intentional change.
Ever wondered the best fruits to eat?
Concord PharmacyWe're big enough to meet all of your healthcare needs and small enough to still know everyone. Archives
October 2017